Saturday, September 22, 2007

Trump Tower-5th Avenue

Familiar enough with this building? That should be, this is the Trump Tower, 5th Avenue, New York city, one of the travels destination in US today. This building gain it’s famous from many of the television shows. This is the main gate, the apprentice’s shooting location where all of the apprentice contestants should passing by this gate to meet Mr. Trump. Also, this is the place to passing by if you get fired! “You fired!!” Hahaha… I think the design of this bulkie building is nice, many of block masses combined to be a building cluster, steel frames construction and glazing material covered elements combine into a skycrapper. The color is absolutely a-la Trump’s style, dark gray building skin creates the glamour atmosphere, and the brushed up of metal gold color in the main entrance gate makes this building become superstitious. But then and again, it will become just another superblock later on.

Design: *** (Like I say, just another superblock)

Materials: ***** (that’s a nice combination)

Publications: ***** (good work, a lot of info ahead!)